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2.3 List of most important publications (including maps)
Please see the separate list for a more complete listing.
Ahlberg, P. (ed.). 1999. Major events in Early Vertebrate Evolution: Palaeontology, Phylogeny and Development. (Abstracts of the Joint systematics Association/Natural History Museum meeting 8-9 April 1999., Natural History Museum, London). 62 pp. (Editor and 15 contributors are IGCP 406 participants).
Antoshkina, A.I. 1999. Origin and evolution of lower Paleozoic reefs in the Pechora Urals, Russia. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology Vol. 47(2):85-103.
Blieck, A., and Janvier, P. (In press; 1999) Chapter 9: Silurian-Devonian vertebrate-dominated communities, with particular reference to agnathans. pp. 79-105.IN: Boucot, A.J. & Lawson, J.D. (eds), Paleocommunities: a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian [IGCP 53 Project Ecostratigraphy Final Report]. Cambridge University Press.
Blieck, A., and Turner, S. (Editors) (In press) Palaeozoic vertebrate biochronology and global marine/non-marine correlation -- Final report of IGCP 328 (1991-1996). Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg,, Frankfurt a.M. 741 ms pp., 140 text-figs, 29 tables, 37 plates, 50 authors, 25 papers;
Blieck, A., Turner, S., Fraser, N., and Wimbledon, W. (eds). 1999. Gross Symposium Vol. 3. Modern Geology 24, 1-2, 108pp.
Burrow, C.J., Vergoossen, J.M.J., Turner, S., Thorsteinsson, R., and Uyeno, T. 1999 (In press) Microvertebrate assemblages from the Late Silurian of Cornwallis island, Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Clack, J.A., and Neininger, S.L. (In press for 2000) Fossils from the Celsius Bjerg Group, Upper Devonian, East Greenland: significance and sedimentological distribution.IN: Friend,P.F., and Williams, B. (editors). Geological Society symposium volume: New perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone.
Elliott, D.K., Johnson, H.G., Cloutier, R., Carr, R.K., and Daeschler, E.B. In press. Middle and Late Devonian vertebrates of the western Old Red Sandstone Continent. Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg. Ginter, M., and M. V. H. Wilson (eds). 1999. Special Volume: IGCP 406 Meeting, Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Faunas and Facies, Warsaw, Poland, September 3-8, 1998. Acta Geologica Polonica, 49(2):I-VIII+81-173. (Contains introductory material and 8 research papers; two additional papers will appear in vol. 49 no. 3). Goujet, D. (Editor). In press. Paleontology of Severnaya Zemlya. Geodiversitas, Paris. (Contains 13 papers, mostly by IGCP 406 participants).
Luk[!]eviãs, E., Stinkulis, G., & L. Kalnina (eds) 1999. The Fourth Baltic Stratigraphical Converence: Problems and Methods of Modern Regional Stratigraphy. Institute of Geology, University of Latvia, Riga. 127 pp. (Contains 23 extended abstracts by IGCP 406 participants).
Luk[!]eviãs, E., Stinkulis, G., & Wilson, M.V.H. (eds) 1999. Lower-Middle Palaeozoic events across the Circum- Arctic. (Proceedings of the IGCP 406: Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Vertebrates Annual Meeting, Jurmala, Latvia, Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, 1999). Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication 5, 68 pp. (Contains 39 extended abstracts by IGCP 406 participants).
Matukhin, R.G., & Menner, V.V. (eds). In press. Stratigrafiya silura i devona arkhipelaga Severnaya Zemlya [Stratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago]; Novosibirsk [In Russian] (editors and several contributors are IGCP 406 participants).
Stahl, B. 1999. Chondrichthyes III: Holocephali. Handbook of Paleoichthyology (Schultze, H.-P., ed.), Vol. 4. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munich, 164 pp.
Stinkulis, G. 1999. Field trip "Devonian" Guidebook. The Fourth Baltic Stratigraphic Conference: Problems and Methods of Modern Regional Stratigraphy. Jurmala, Sept. 27-30, 1999. University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 50 pp. Trewin, N.H. & Davidson, R.G. 1999. Lake-level changes, sedimentation and faunas in a Middle Devonian basin- margin fish bed. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 156: 535-548.
Tsyganko, Vladimir S. 1999. Pechora plate in the Late Devonian: biotic events and their correlation potential. pp. 237-239. IN: Geology and mineral resources of European North-East of Russia: new results and new prospects. Proceedings of XIII Geological congress of the Komi Republic. Volume II, Syktyvkar[in Russian]. Zhu, Min, Yu, Xiaobo, and Janvier, P. 1999. A primitive fossil fish sheds light on the origin of bony fishes. Nature Vol. 397: 607-610.
Zhuravlev, A.V. 1999. Conodonts of the Polygnathus pollocki Druce group (Upper Devonian, Lower Frasnian) from the East European Platform. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 48(1):35-47.