Neoechinorhynchus female

The photo at the left shows an entire female worm, about 10 mm long. At the anterior end, the proboscis is everted. The body wall is thick and contains several giant nuclei (at least four are visible on the dorsal side of the parasite). Internally, the body cavity is filled with ovarian balls.

On the right is an enlargement of the posterior terminus of a female. A giant nucleus is visible in the body wall on the right. The clear areas within the body wall result from the many channels of the lacunar system. Numerous ovarian balls are packed into the body cavity at the top of the photo. At the posterior end is a dark red oval which is the vagina; it opens externally through a vulva. Proceeding internally from the vaginal is a rectangular uterus, which is connected to two cells of the selector apparatus. The rest of the selector apparatus, and the uterine bell, are stained much lighter and are indistinct in this photo.