a mature reproductive cell, usually haploid, which fuses with another gamete of the opposite sex to form a diploid zygote.
the sexual stage of Sporozoa.
cell division resulting in the formation of gametes.
an assemblage of nerve cell bodies.
genital pore:
the common external opening of the male and female reproductive systems.
genital atrium:
an external depression (usually) containing the genital pore.
genital primordium:
a small collection of cells in a larval organism from which the reproductive tract will develop.
germinal epithelium:
a cell layer capable of giving rise asexually to new individuals.
giant nucleus:
macroscopic nuclei in the body wall of some Acanthocephala.
the body region containing the mouthparts.
appendages surrounding the genital opening of female Anoplura.
a site of inflammatory cell reaction at a site of infection.
containing fully developed eggs.
gravid proglottid:
a proglottid containing a uterus with fully developed eggs and in which other components of the male and female reproductive systems have fully or partially degenerated.
gross pathology:
macroscopic abnormalities in structure caused by external agents or disease, and their study.
a sclerotized structure on the dorsal wall of the cloaca of Nematoda, used to support the spicules.
gynecophoric canal:
a ventral longitudinal groove in the surface of male Schistosomatidae.