General Information
Contributed Presentations
Meeting Program & Abstracts (Password Needed)
General Program
Scientific Program
Abstract Submissions
Student Travel Grants
Poster Size Regulations
Other Activities


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After registration, you will be issued a password and login ID which will allow you to submit your abstract and select sessions and award competitions.

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Continue to registration

If you have already registered and wish to changes some details (e.g. add or delete specific items such as sections lunches, banquet tickets, t-shirts or sweatshirts, ZET function tickets or excursion tickets), please email the LOC directly and we will deal with your request separately.

Registration fees and other associated meeting activity costs

Early Registration (valid till midnight February 15, 2006, Mountain Time, after which a late application fee of $50.00 will be added to each of the categories):

Regular $250.00
Student $85.00
Postdoctoral $85.00
Emeritus $85.00
Daily $85.00
Honorary Member Free, please contact LOC directly

Abstract processing fee:

$10.00 when submitting both English and French versions
$ 75.00 when submitting English version only

Section Lunch:

EEE (3 May) $18.00
CPB (5 May) $18.00
CMD (4 May) $18.00
PAR (5 May) $18.00

Conference banquet (evening, 5 May):

Regular $50.00
Student $25.00
Post-doctoral $25.00
Emeritus $50.00
Accompanying $50.00

Excursion to Elk Island National Park (afternoon, 5 May):

Registrant $20.00
Accompanying $20.00

Please note that all registrants must be current members of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.

Membership category:

Ordinary $80.00
Student* 1 year $20.00 or 2 years $35.00
Post-doctoral Fellow* 1 year $20.00 or 2 years $35.00
Emeritus $20.00
Associate $20.00