Jens Roland
Mailing Address

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E9
Office Number: B709 Bio Sciences
Email address:
Fax number: (780) 492-9234
Phone number: (780) 492-1180

Academic Degrees


BSc: University of Alberta. (Zoology)
MSc: University of British Columbia. (Zoology)
PhD: University of British Columbia.

Areas of Involvement

Insect population dynamics; ecology, conservation, boreal, alpine.
Editorial Board: Biological Control Theory & Application

Current Research Interests

  Research in my lab focuses on population ecology and dynamics of insects in a spatial or landscape perspective. Projects examine both the large-scale pattern of population change, and the mechanism by which landscape alters the processes which drive those dynamics.

Our current projects include

The effect of forest fragmentation on forest tent caterpillar, its parasitoids and viral disease.
The effect of meadow size and isolation on dispersal and dynamics of alpine Parnassius butterflies.
The effect of habitat structure on willow cone-gall midge and its parasitoids.

The effect of habitat fragmentation and invasive weeds on butterflies of Garry Oak meadows.

Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows

Wayne Hallstrom (M.Sc.) Butterflies of Garry Oak meadows.

Ian Jonsen (Ph.D.). Spatial dynamics of biological control of weeds.

Brian van Hezewijk (Ph.D.). Spatial dynamics of willow cone gall midge and its parasitoids.

Tomas Roslin (PDF). Spatial dynamics of insect gallers and miners.

Previous Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows

Recent Publications (1996-present)

Matter, S.F. & J. Roland. 2002. An experimental examination of the effect of habital quality on the dispersal and local abundance of Parnassius smintheus. Ecological Entomology, (in press).

Fownes, S. and J. Roland. 2002. Effects of meadow suitability on female behaviour in the alpine butterfly, Parnassius smintheus Doubleday. Ecological Entomology, (in press).

Jonsen, I., R. Bourchier and J. Roland. 2001. The influence of non-habitat on Aphthona flea beetle immigration to leafy spurge patches. Oecologia 27: 287-294.

Keyghobadi, N, J. Roland. & C. Strobeck. (in press) Ink marks and molecular markers: Examining effects of landscape on dispersal using both mark-recapture and molecular methods. In.C. Boggs, W. Watt, and P. Ehrlich (eds.) Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight: Butterflies as Model Study Systems. University of Chicago Press.

Cooke, B.J. & J. Roland. 2000. Spatial analysis of large-scale patterns of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks. Ecoscience 7: 410-422.

Roland, J., N. Keyghobadi & S. Fownes. 2000. Alpine Parnassius butterfly dispersal: effects of landscape and population size. Ecology 81:1642-1653 Abstract

Keyghobadi, N., J. Roland & C. Strobeck. 1999. Influence of landscape on population genetic structure of the alpine butterfly Parnassius smintheus (Papilionidae). Molecular Ecology 8:1481-1495 Abstract

Roland, J. 2000. Landscape ecology of parasitism. In: Hochberg, M.E. & A.R. Ives, (eds.) Parasitoid Population Biology. Princeton University Press. pp. 83-99.

Roland, J., B. Mackey & B. Cooke. 1998. Effects of climate and forest structure on duration of forest tent caterpillar outbreak across central Ontario. Canadian Entomologist 130: 703-714

Mondor, E.B. & J. Roland. 1998. Host searching and oviposition of Leschenaultia exul, a tachinid parasitoid of the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria. Journal of Insect Behaviour 11: 583-592.

Roland J. 1998. Population dynamics of Operophtera brumata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). In J.P. Dempster & I.F.G. McLean (eds.) Insect Populations: in Theory and in Practice. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 309-321.

Rothman L. & J. Roland.1998. Relationships between forest fragmentation and colony performance in the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosomadisstria. Ecography 21: 383-391.

Mondor, E.B. & J. Roland. 1997. Host location behaviour of Leschenaultia exul and Patalloa pachypyga: Two tachinid parasitoids of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 85: 161-168.

Roland, J. & P.D.Taylor. 1997. Insect parasitoid species respond to forest structure at difference spatial scales. Nature 386: 710-713. Abstract.

Roland, J., P.D. Taylor & B. Cooke. 1996. Forest structure and the spatial pattern of parasitoid attack. In Forests and Insects. (Watt, A. & M. Hunter eds.) Chapman & Hall.

Roland, J., G. McKinnon, C. Backhouse & P.D. Taylor. 1996 Even smaller radar tags on insects. Nature 381: 120. Excerpt

Publications (pre-1996)

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