University of Alberta

Research Projects

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Wetland ecosystem biology, biogeochemistry, production, decomposition, nutrient dynamics, acidification, modeling, designing for water treatment and habitat, restoration, National Park management.

Wetlands and Waterbirds
Assessing the importance of wetland characterists to waterbird populations in the boreal transition zone (BTZ).

The BTZ project is supported by the following agencies:
Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)
North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)
Ducks Unlimited Canada

Peat Accumulation
Effects of salinity on vegetation and organic matter (peat) accumulation in natural and oil sands wetlands.

This project is supported by the following agencies:
Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA)
Syncrude Canada Ltd
Suncor Energy
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd
Albian Sands

Wetland Mapping of SW Alberta and SE British Columbia
Marsh Review for Alberta Environment (WRUG Final Report, May 2006)

Performance Indicators for Wetlands
Determine factors that can be used to create an multimeric index of biological integrity (IBI). The IBI can then be used to rate (assign a number to) a given wetland that can be compared to ratings from more pristine wetlands.

Hydrology, Ecology and Disturbance Project (HEAD)
A large collaborative project that accumulated long term data to show natural temporal variation in wetland characteristics. My labs role was primarily the determination of t rophic controls on primary production in boreal plain wetlands.

The HEAD project is supported by the following agencies:
NSERC Ducks Unlimited Canada Weyerhauser Company Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd

Last Modified:2007-06-14