Zoology 250

Clades for Kingdom PROTISTA

Condensed clades from Tree of Life for taxa from Kingdom Protista covered in Zool250

(condensed greatly from "Tree of Life" on WWW)
(P/B refers to Pearse/Pearse/Buchsbaum/Buchsbaum, 1987, Living Invertebrates)

   =================== Diplomonads (P/B phylum Metamonadida, zooflagellate, Giardia)
   |            =================================== TO CROWN EUKARYOTES ===>
<<=|         ===|
   |   ======|  = ? == Entamoebae (P/B phylum Amoebozoa, rhizopod sarcodine group, Amoeba)
   |   |     |  
   =T*=|     ==  ? === Granuloreticulosa (P/B phylum Granuloreticulosa, foramenifera)
       |          =P*= Euglenids (P/B phylum Euglenida, Euglena)
                  ==== Kinetoplastida (P/B phylum Kinetoplastida, zooflagellate, Trypanosoma)

* P= chloroplast present, T= mitochondria present

CROWN EUKARYOTES  (condensed greatly from "Tree of Life" on WWW)

               =======BGM*======================================== TO METAZOA ===>
        ==|    === Choanoflagellates (P/B phylum Choanoflagellata)
        | |
        | ===M*=== Fungi  (mushrooms, molds, yeast, etc.)
     |  |  ==P*=== Chlorophyceae (green algae, Chlamydamonas, Volvox, phytoflagellate
     |  |==|
     |  |  ==M*=== Embryophytes (land plants)
     |  |
     |  =====PM*== Rhodophyta (red algae)
     |     ==N*=== ciliates (P/B phylum Ciliophora; Paramecium, Stentor, Spirostoma)
<<===|     |
     |  ===|  =P*= dinoflagellates (P/B phylum Dinoflagellata, phytoflagellate)
     |  |  ===|
     |  |     ==== Euapicomplexa (P/B phylum Apicomplexa, sporozoan, Plasmodium)
        |====PM*== Stramenopiles (incl. P/B phylum Diatomae= diatoms, brown algae & other taxa)
        =====P*=== "radiolaria" (P/B phylum Acantharia, Phaeodaria, actinopod sarcodine)

* B= blastula, C= choanocyte (monociliated cells with ring of microvilli around cilium), 
D= diplosome, G= collagen, P= chloroplast, M= multicellularity, N= micro- & macro-nucleus

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Copyright © 1997 by A. Richard Palmer. All rights reserved. (revised Jan. 16, 1997)