CMD logo, 26K
CMD Third Inaugural Symposium 2008
(back to CMD home)

Page Intro, 120K
(Louise Page Introducing Symposium)

Lowe, 133K
(Chris Lowe, speaking)

Moczek, 139K
(Armin Moczek, speaking)

Hanken, 182K
(Jim Hanken, speaking)

Martindale, 138K
(Mark Martindale, speaking)


2008 Annual Meeting: Halifax May 19 - 23


2008pic, 19K


lowe-larva  Chris Lowe (Chicago)
The role of molecular genetics in reconstructing early deuterostome evolution: progress but no magic bullet
Armin Moczek (Indiana University)
Conservation, innovation, and the origins of novelty in horned beetles
Hanken-skull  Jim Hanken (Harvard)
Marrying the old and the new: Contemporary approaches to studying the evolution and development of the amphibian skull

Generous support for this symposium has been provided by:


In addition to normal contributed paper sessions, the CMD section sponsored two satellite symposia. Each included one distinguished speaker to give the opening presentation (30 min.) and three or four 15-min. presentations.

finch beaks, 15K 
Student Satellite Symposium

Skeletal Differentiation Across the Vertebrates

Keynote speaker: Arkhat Abzhanov, (Harvard)
Regulation of skeletogenic differentiation in cranial dermal bone

Additional speakers:

Matthew Vickaryous (Calgary)
Skeletal development and regeneration: Tails from lizards

Rebecca Shearman (Wesleyan)
Investigating the lateral somitic frontier in the mouse and chick pectoral girdle

Nathan Bird (George Washington)
Skeletal development of the Weberian Apparatus in Cypriniform fishes

Ryan Kerney (Dalhousie)
Diverse pathways towards skeletal differentiation in amphibians

Student Organizer: Ryan Kerney (Dalhousie)

Local Satellite Symposium

ZebrafishInSitu, 15K

Post-Embryonic Development in Zebrafish

Frank Smith (Dalhousie)
Autonomic control of buoyancy and blood flow in the zebrafish: Development, anatomy, and physiology

Oliver Braubach (Dalhousie)
Starting to smell: Olfactory development in zebrafish

Michael Jonz (Ottawa)
Oxygen sensing in developing zebrafish

Marie-Andree Akimenko (Ottawa Civic Hospital)
The zebrafish fin as a model system to study dermal bone regeneration

Organizer: Roger Croll (Dalhousie)


Executive for 2007-2008
Chair Louise Page
Department of Biology
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia V8N 3N5
Page, 15K
Vice-Chair Hans Larsson
Redpath Museum
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6
Larsson, 21K
Past Chair Rich Palmer
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9
Palmer, 11K

Errors or suggestions: Contact the webmaster

(revised Jan. 20, 2010)