Zoology 250 Phylogenetic Trees (2017)

(hexactinellid sponge)
(= sponges)

(tree & traits from
Ruppert et. al. 2004, p. 93, Brusca et al. 2016 p. 257;
## see alternative molecular phylogeny below)

(calcareous sponge)


             ====== Calcarea## (calcareous sponges; includes ascon, sycon & leucon grades)
        |    ====== Homoscleromorpha (coralline sponges; leucon grade)
        |    ==4=== Hexactinellida (glass sponges; no regular canal system)
             ==5=== Demospongia (most living sponge species; leucon grade)

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TRAITS SUPPORTING EACH CLADE (** plesiomorphic- a primitive state, not unique to clade):
a) adult is sessile
b) water canal system with pumping choanocytes** (monociliated cells with diplosome)
c) extensive mesenchyme (gelatinous proteinaceous matrix containing skeletal material and amoeboid cells)
d) silica spicules, initiated intracellulary
e) pinacoderm (epithelium-like outer layer) lacking basal lamina in some groups and intercellular junctions
f) dynamic tissue remodelling (reversible differentiation of most cell types)
a) calcareous spicules
b) porocytes (pore cells)
a) silica spicules
a) distinctive 6-pointed spicule (hexactine)
b) most cells, including collar cells, are part of an extensive syncytium (multinucleate fabric of cells)
a) spongocytes & spongin fibers
b) distinctive 4-pointed spicule (tetraxon)
c) porocytes (pore cells)

## PARAPHYLETIC PORIFERA? (alternative molecular phylogeny from Sperling et al. 2009) (OPTIONAL, for information only)

    ==================== Ph CHOANOFLAGELLATA (collar flagellates; Protista)
    |        =========== Hexactinellida (glass sponges; no regular canal system)         ------P
<<==|   =====|                                                                                 O
    |   |    =========== Demospongia (most living sponge species; leucon grade)                R
    =M==|                                                                                      I
        |  ============= Calcarea (calcareous sponges; includes ascon, sycon & leucon grades   F
        ===|                                                                                   E
           |  ========== Homoscleromorpha (coralline sponges; leucon grade)                    R
           ===|                                                                          ------A
              | ======== Placozoa (placozoans, Trichoplax)
  M= METAZOA  ==|
                ======== EUMETAZOA

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Copyright (c) 2017 by A. Richard Palmer. All rights reserved.
(revised Dec. 19, 2016)