Message from Sue Turner

May 1, 2000

Dear Ichthyolith Issues Readers,

This is by way of explanation for the non-appearance yet of II 20 which was due last July and which so far has been represented by its cover sitting on our web site (courtesy of Mark Wilson at Univ. Edmonton). 1999 was a hard year because of my return from Germany and consequent need to readjust to Brisbane life. I asked Andrew Simpson (then newly "relieved" of his job at the UQ Geology Museum) to help me but then both he and I hit more problems both work and family and so the year has gone on. I saw some of you at Jurmala and that was good and I look forward to receiving any reports/thoughts on that well-planned event. Since then the 'annus horribilis has continued into the new year..

Christmas, New Year summer & school holidays here for us and then I was appointed to be Australian rep. to UNESCO IUGS Scientific Board for IGCP, which meant report reading and a trip to Paris for 2 weeks to attend the meeting. Around this time Andrew (happily) got more full-time work and so I must thank him for the work he did do on the issue. Then I had to write a fellowship application to try for a new salary next year (my current one disappears at end May), then my back gave way on me -- "acute pain and sciatica!" on 28th Feb. After trying to work through it and then having an agonising week in bed at home the doc. finally sent me to hospital on the 10th March. After an MRI scan it was clear my lumbar 5 disc had prolapsed so after a week of considering the options, me gathering info from as many sources as I could from hospital bed and hydrotherapy, I decided to have a back operation - laminectomy which happened on the 20th. Another week of hydrotherapy and rest followed and I came home last Tuesday, 28th.

I have a long way to go relearning to walk etc as the sciatic nerve is still damaged but the op. was successful and took away the pain. I shall continue with hydrotherapy (much happier being a fish again even if the wrong shape for a thelodont). Will see specialist for review on May 2nd but am being optimistic and have booked my flight to attend Flagstaff.

So... hang in there. I do expect to continue with Ichthyolith Issues in some form. But the money kitty is almost empty so it may become an internet newsletter. I am currently looking at options. Please pass this message on and if anyone has a strong need for a hard copy issue 20 I shall be producing something because of libraries that subscribe etc.

Please let me have your thoughts and news..

With all best wishes



Dr Sue Turner
Australian Research Fellow, Editor Ichthyolith Issues
Co-leader IGCP 328 1991-1996
D.A.A.D. Visiting Professor University of Hannover 1998-1999
Queensland Museum
PO Box 3300
S. Brisbane Qld 4101

Ph: 61 (0)7 3840 7677
Fx: 61 (0)7 3846 1918
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