University of Alberta

Career Options

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Molecular Genetics is a program that includes aspects of several fields, including Molecular Biology, Genetics, Medical Genetics, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Genomics and Bioinformatics. At its fundamental level, it is the study of the molecules of life, and how they are produced and regulated by genetic information. Most studies in molecular genetics are based upon the analysis and manipulation of DNA. In the past, this has been confined to the study of organisms that could be studied using the tools of ‘classical’ genetics. However, modern molecular genetics has been influenced by the genome sequencing projects of many organisms, including humans, and a student studying in this area may find a wealth of potential questions available to explore.

Many careers in molecular genetics (as in most areas of the biological, life and medical sciences) require some postgraduate training or qualifications, such as an advanced degree or diploma, beyond a B.Sc (see the link to our Graduate Program).

If you have questions about specific career requirements, you can explore some of the links below, or contact one of the program advisors.

For information on careers in this area, see the following links:
Last Modified: 2012-07-03