

The University of Alberta Biotron State of the art controlled environmental chambers and greenhouse facilities.  
Molecular Biology Service Unit More state of the art stuff for molecular genetics research.
SAMPL - Soil and Plant Processing Laboratory Equipment and facilities for processing and analyzing soil and plant samples.
Rangeland and wildlife research unit Large mammal research exists at two facilities operated by the University:  Kinsella ranch and Ministik research station.  The 3200 ha ranch is located in the southern edge of the Aspen Parkland, 150 km southeast of Edmonton, home to Bison, cattle, and deer.  Facilities include office-laboratory and dormitory space. The facility is also used in co-operative research with Ducks Unlimited Canada and Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.  Minisitik is home to a research Elk population, and is 50 km east of Edmonton in a primarily forested area.  Ministik contains facilities for research in large mammal physiology.  
Crop and Land Research Unit A full infrastructure support unit exists at this site run by AFNS, that manages land use, crop rotations and equipment repair for the Edmonton Research Station, Ellerslie Research Station and for on-farm research sites. Agricultural land is available for a variety studies in basic and/or applied science.
George Lake Entomological Research Station George Lake is located at the southern edge of the boreal mixed forest subzone, and includes lake access, bogs, sedge meadows, and varied forest types including poplar, birch, willow, and spruce stands. George Lake is located 65 km northwest of the city of Edmonton. 
Kluane Lake Research Station Field station in southwest Yukon. Managed by University of Calgary.
The Vascular Plant Herbarium At present the entire collection of about 250,000 mounted specimens
The Cryptogamic Herbarium The Cryptogamic Herbarium, with approximately 200,000 specimens, is the third largest of its kind in Canada.
E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Approximately one million specimens.
Museum of Zoology Contains numerous terrestrial and aquatic specimens.


This page last updated 07/10/02