27th Annual General Meeting

Parasitology Section

Canadian Society of Zoologists

12:00 hrs, May 3, 2000

Algonquin Hotel, St. Andrews NB


Present: Drs. David Cone (Chair), David Marcogliese, Dan McLaughlin, John Barta, Allen Shostak, members and guests of the Parasitology Section.

1.0 Approval of Agenda

Dr. Cone called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the agenda.

Motion: MacKinnon / Arai Carried

2.0 Chair's Introductory Remarks

Dr. Cone welcomed Dr. M. A. Fernando, winner of the Wardle Award for 2000 and her husband, Dr. Herbert Fernando. Dr. Cone then welcomed the Parasitology Symposium Participants; Dr. J. Janovy (Keynote Speaker), Dr. Allen Shostak, Dr. Gary McClelland and Dr. David Marcogliese. He introduced Dr. Donald Duszynski , representing the American Society of Parasitologists, and then introduced the incoming members of the Executive; Dr. Roger Prichard (Vice Chair) and Dr. Duane Barker (Junior Councillor). He concluded by thanking the retiring Executive members, Dr. Rasul Khan and Dr. John Barta, for their service to the Section.

3.0 Approval of Minutes

Copies of the minutes of the 1999 AGM were distributed to all tables in the room. These had been posted on the website and hard copies were available on request from the Secretary Treasurer. Dr. McLaughlin requested a motion to approve the minutes.

Motion: Arai / Prichard Carried

4.0 Matters Arising

4.1 2000 Symposium

Dr. Cone thanked the organizers and the Symposium Speakers for their efforts and participation. He acknowledged the contributions of the Canadian Society of Zoologists and the American Society of Parasitologists and thanked them for their continued financial support of the Parasitology Symposium.

4.2 Letter to CSZ re Directory

Dr. Cone reported that he had sent a letter to Dr .Tom Moon Chair, CSZ thanking the CSZ for their financial assistance in the production of the Directory of Parasitologists.

4.3 Membership

Dr. Cone reported that he had begun contacting Parasitologists across Canada, by sending personal letters requesting feedback and suggestions on the Section. Many have responded and have contributed suggestions for improvement for the Section. These will be passed on to the Executive for consideration. Dr. Cone noted that the Section had about 150 members at its peak and membership currently stands at about 70 members. An increase in the number of student members is particularly encouraging.

4.4 Poster Prize

As suggested by Dr. Beverly-Burton, Dr. McLaughlin contacted Dr. G. Esch regarding the former ASP Poster Prize. Dr. Esch was unable to shed any further light on the matter. This is now a dead issue. The Section will offer a Poster Prize this year that will consist of a membership to the Canadian Society of Zoologists and a subscription to the Canadian Journal of Zoology. Steps will be initiated to find financial support for the Poster Prize so that it will be self sustaining.

5.0 Secretary Treasurer's Report

5.1 Financial Statement

Copies of the Financial Report for 1999 were distributed to each table. The final balance does not include $586.28 owing to Dr. McLaughlin who covered the cost overrun on the 1999 Symposium. Dr. McLaughlin asked for a motion to approve the Financial

Report. Motion: Burt / Arai Carried

5.2 Affiliate Societies

Dr. McLaughlin reported that only two items were received: -Dr. L. Mayberry requesting information on why the Section became an affiliate of the ASP. Her letter was forwarded to the archivist (Al Shostak) who responded. -Dr. D. Chitwood (FSP) sent notice of a meeting in St Louis, May 22, 2000. None of the Executive can attend. Unless a member wishes represent the Section, no further action will be taken.

5.3 Reimbursement

McLaughlin Dr. Cone asked for a motion to reimburse Dr. McLaughlin for covering the cost overrun for the 1999 Symposium.

Motion: Burt / Goater Carried

6.0 Nominating Committee

Dr. Cone reported that the 1999 Nominating Committee had received one nomination for each of the vacant positions, so no elections were held. Dr. Roger Prichard (Vice Chair) and Dr. Duane Barker (Junior Councillor) are the new members of the Executive. The Nominating Committee this year will be chaired by Dr. Cone with two members TBA.

7.0 Recognition Committee

Dr. Marcogliese (Chair) and Drs. R. Prichard, M. Lankester and D. Befus formed the 1999 Recognition Committee. Dr. M. A. Fernando (University of Guelph) was selected as the Wardle Award winner for 2000. In separate formal motions, the Section approved the nominations of Dr. Roy Anderson and Dr. K. G. Davey for Honorary Lifetime Membership in the Canadian Society of Zoologists. Re Dr. Anderson - Motion: Marcogliese / Lankester Carried Re Dr. Davey - Motion: Marcogliese / Webster Carried Dr. Marcogliese then moved that Dr. M. D. B. Burt be named an Honorary Lifetime Member of the Parasitology Section. Motion: Marcogliese / Arai Carried Dr. Marcogliese noted that there are presently no guidelines available for selection of Honorary Members within the Section. He distributed copies of a draft of proposed guidelines for consideration at the next AGM. These will be posted on the website. The Section Vice Chair normally chairs the Wardle Award Selection Committee and is a non voting member. As Dr. Prichard is a committee member by virtue of his 1999 Wardle Award, Dr. Marcogliese proposed that an alternate chair be chosen for this year only and that Dr. Prichard serve as a regular voting member of the committee. The Recognition Committee this year will include Dr. M.A. Fernando, Dr. R. Prichard and Dr. M. Lankester. (Note added later: Dr. Sherwin Desser agreed to chair the committee).

8.0 Student Awards

Dr. Barta announced that he, Dr. D. Duszynski and Dr. Dwayne Barker would judge the Student Presentations. Only one student poster was submitted and this will go into the general pool for consideration for second prize. Winners will be announced at the Society Banquet.

9.0 Parasitology Module

Dr. Marcogliese gave brief updates on the status of the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols. Due to the untimely death of one of the participants, someone is needed for the mammals section. He gave a brief report of ongoing stickleback and perch projects. A proposal to complete a survey of stickleback parasites across the northern hemisphere has been accepted by IBOY and interested individuals are welcome to participate (see website under Module for details). Funding for the completion of the Guides to Parasites of Fishes of Canada seems imminent. The remaining issue involved participation in the production of authoritative species lists currently being initiated in North America. The report will be placed on the website.

10.0 ICOPA Update

Dr. Adamson (Chair LOC)reported that ICOPA X will be held August 4-10, 2002 in Vancouver BC. It is sponsored jointly by the Canadian Society of Zoologists and the American Society of Parasitologists. The Honorary President is Dr. Z. Kabata. Dr. Burt (Chair Program Committee) gave a brief overview of the application to hold ICOPA X. He informed the meeting that the final details with Venue West were being ironed out and the contract will be ready for signing soon. Members with comments or concerns should E-mail Dr. Adamson as soon as possible so that these may be considered before the contract is signed. Dr. Burt presented a brief outline of the ICOPA format. The current plan is to have morning plenary sessions followed by subplenary sessions and contributed paper sessions before lunch and contributed papers and poster sessions after lunch. Two separate poster sessions are planned; Monday / Tuesday and Thursday / Friday. Time will be available for workshops or other sessions in the evenings for those wishing to arrange them.

11.0 New Business


Dr. Cone reported that there were no issues raised at the CSZ Council meetings the affected the Section.


The theme of the 2001 Parasitology Symposium has not been determined. Individuals with suggestions should contact Dr. Cone as soon as possible. Topics suggested at the AGM included: - a molecular symposium with an ecological context - neurobiology of parasites.

12.0 Other Business

Dr. Duszynski reminded members of the ASP meeting in Albequerque, New Mexico. Dr. Prichard informed members of the World Association of Veterinary Parasitologists in Italy this August. Dr. Cone announced that the ASP meeting in 2003 will be held in Halifax. Dr. Richard Arthur is soliciting contributions to an Icthyoparasitology Newsletter. These need only be short descriptions of activities in individual laboratories and are intended to promote contact with workers in Third World Countries. Drs. Cone and Marcogliese can provide information to anyone interested in participating.

13.0 Adjournment

There being no further business, Dr. Cone called for a motion to adjourn.

Motion: MacKinnon / Arai Carried