Honorary Membership in the Parasitism, Immunity and Environment Section

Honorary Life Membership in the PIE Section may be conferred on anyone, who, in the estimation of the members, has made an outstanding contribution through research and service towards achieving the goals of the PIE Section.   The recipient must have an established record of membership in the PIE Section or its precursors.

Nomination shall be made to the Chair of the PIE Section and be adjudicated by a Recognition Committee comprising the PIE Section Chair (non-voting) and at least three PIE Section members appointed by the Chair. 

The committee must reach a unanimous decision to forward the nomination to the Section membership for ratification.

This Life Membership shall be approved by no less than three-quarters of the members present at the next Annual General Meeting of the Section which follows the decision of the Recognition Committee. Honorary Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Section.  Honorary Life Members in the Section are not, necessarily, Honorary Members of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.