Parasitology Section

Adopted June 1974, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Revised May 1976, Regina, Saskatchewan
Revised May 1979, Quebec, Quebec
Revised May 1983, Ottawa, Ontario
Revised May 1997, London, Ontario
Revised May 2007, Montreal, Quebec (ratified April 7, 2008)


The group shall be constituted as a Section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.


The Section shall be known as the Parasitology Section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.


The aims and objectives of the Parasitology Section shall be to promote and advance the study of parasitic organisms and their relationship with their host and the environment; facilitate the exchange of information among parasitologists in Canada; and serve as a national forum to express the views of Canadian parasitologists to the public, to government, to industry and to other national or international societies of parasitologists.


The Council of the Section shall comprise two Officers, who are the Chair and the Chair-elect. The Council shall establish policies for management of the Section.  Important records of the section are to be transferred to the CSZ Archivist.


5.1 Terms of Office and Methods of Selection: The Chair-elect is elected annually by the Section Membership for a 2-year term, staggered to create one vacancy each year. The Chair elect becomes Chair in the second year. Terms of office commence at the end of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.

5.2 Procedures for Election: The Chair shall be chosen by simple majority vote from among a slate of candidates drawn from the membership of the section. The Chair shall distribute at least two months prior to the next Annual Meeting a ballot to all members of the Section in good standing.  The vote will be held at the AGM.  Members not planning to attend the AGM may send a sealed vote to the Chair, to be opened by a Teller’s committee appointed at the AGM.  The sealed envelope should have the name on the outside, to verify membership and to ensure that they are not there in person.

5.3 Duties of Officers:
Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, including meetings of Council. The Chair shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Section and shall represent the Section at Council Meetings of the Canadian Society of Zoologists. The Chair shall notify the Wardle Awardee, preside over the Wardle Lecture, and present the Wardle Award. The Chair or designate shall represent the Section in transactions with affiliate societies of Parasitology. The Chair shall conduct the correspondence of the Section, attend AGM, keep a membership roll, and keep the current records of the Section. Important older records shall be submitted to the archivist.  The Chair shall also conduct the financial affairs of the Section in consultation with the Treasure of the Canadian Society of Zoology. The Chair shall also keep accurate records of all financial transactions, and present to the membership an annual summary of transactions and the financial position of the Section.

Chair-elect: The Chair-Elect shall serve as co-ordinator and non-voting chairperson of the Recognition Committee and, in the absence of the Chair, assume all duties and obligations of the Chair. The Chair-elect will normally chair the Student Awards Committee, coordinate the Annual Parasitology Symposium and keep adequate minutes at the S.A.G.M.. 


Nominating Committee: The Committee shall comprise the Chair of the Section, who will be its chairperson, and two members appointed by the Chair from the general membership of the Section. The Committee shall establish a slate of candidates for Chair-elect, endeavoring to propose at least two nominees, and provide within the slate a wide geographical representation. Nominations by the general membership shall be submitted to the Chair at least three months prior to the next annual meeting. Nominees shall provide written assurance that they are willing to serve.

Recognition Committee: The Committee shall comprise the Chair-elect of the Section, who will be its co-ordinator and non-voting chairperson, and three previous Wardle awardees, each with a three-year term. One will retire each year and the Council will appoint a replacement. The Committee shall establish slates of candidates for the Wardle Award, Honorary Life Members of the Parasitology Section and recipients of other honors and awards that might from time to time be required, according to their respective terms of reference. The Committee will adjudicate nominations for the Wardle Award but is under no obligation to select a recipient each year.

Student Awards Committee: The Chair-elect will coordinate and chair this Committee and will appoint two or more members. The committee will adjudicate any Student Awards administered by the Section, according to their respective terms of reference. The Committee is under no obligation to select a recipient each year.

Tellers Committee: The Committee shall comprise two tellers selected at the Section annual general meeting (S.A.G.M).  The Committee shall count the ballots in any election and report the results at the S.A.G.M.

Special Committees: The Chair may appoint special committees as the need arises. These committees shall conduct their affairs in accordance with the terms of reference established by Council.


Section Annual General Meeting: The S. A. G. M. shall be held at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists. The agenda for the S.A.G.M. shall be set by the Chair, but must include: approval of minutes of the previous S.A.G.M.; business arising from the minutes; reports from the Chair of the Section, and from the chairpersons of all committees; new business; announcement of the results of elections; a call for any other business; and adjournment.

Scientific Sessions: Regular scientific sessions shall be held at the time of the S.A.G.M. Other scientific sessions may be held, from time to time, with those of other national or foreign Societies or World Congresses. Such a decision must have a majority vote of members present at the previous S.A.G.M.

Special Meetings: A Special Meeting of the membership may be convened by the Council, following at least 15 days notification to all recorded members of the Section. A Special Meeting of Council shall be convened by the Chair within 15 days following receipt of a written request signed by at least 12 members of the Section. The quorum for any Special Meeting or for the S.A.G.M. shall be 15 members or 10% of recorded members in the Section, whichever is higher. In the case of a deadlock on a vote at any meeting of the Section, the Chair may cast a deciding vote but shall not, ordinarily, cast any vote.