basal body:
a centriole from which an axoneme arises.
binary fission:
a mode of reproduction of unicellular organisms in which internal organelles are duplicated and then cytokinesis takes place.
bladder larva:
in Cestoda, a larval form in which one or more scoleces develop in a fluid-filled cyst.
blood loss:
significant loss of blood as a result of a disease process, either through hemorrhage or ingestion.
a muscular projection of the side of the scolex of some tapeworms.
a muscular longitudinal groove on the scolex of some tapeworms.
brood capsule:
a capsule developing within a hydatid cyst, lined with germinal epithelium and capable of asexual production of protoscoleces.
buccal capsule:
the lining of the oral cavity.
a non-living structure used for attachment.
an external male copulatory appendage, used to grip the female during mating.