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FromThe Crayfish, by T. H. Huxley, 1879


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Abdomen, 19, 141
development of, 213
Abdominal appendages, 143
development of, 217
Abdominal somite, characters of, 142
Ætiology, 47
Agassiz, 308
Alimentary canal, 51
development of, 213, 222
Ambulatory legs, 168
American Crayfishes, 243, 247
Amoeba, 285
Amurland Crayfishes, 304
Antenna, 23, 172
development of, 214, 218
Antennule, 23, 173
development of, 214, 218
Anthrapalæmon, 341
Anus, 29
Apodeme, 99, 158, 175
Appendage, 24, 143, 161, 173
abdominal, 143
cephalic, 170
thoracic, 164
Archenteron, 211
Arctogæal province, 314
Areola, 235
Aristotle, referred to, 4
Arteries, 71
Arteries, development of, 224
Arthrobranchia, 75
Arthrophragm, 158
Arthropoda, 279, 284
Articulations, 95
Asiatic Crayfishes, 304
Astacina, 254
Astacoides, 250, 313
Astacomorpha, 338
Astacopsis, 250, 264
Astacus, division into sub-genera, 290
Astacus angulosus, 302, 310
colchicus, 302, 310
dauricus, 304, 310
anatomy, general account of, 17-31
attachment of young to mother, 40, 351
branchial formula, 266
development, 205-226
distribution, geographical 44, 288, 298
distribution, chronological, 44
ecdysis, 32, 350
general characters, 6
growth, 31, 349
habits, 8
histology, 174
mortality, 127
muscular system, 90
myths concerning, 44
name, origin of, 13
nervous system, 101
newly hatched young, characters of, 219
nutrition, 48
occurrence, 5, 8
organs of alimentation, 51
circulation, 68
excretion, 82, 353
hearing, 116
reproduction, 128
respiration, 75, 353
sight, 118
smell, 114
taste, 115
touch, 113
prehension of food, 49
putrid, effect of smell of, 45
reproduction of lost limbs, 38
sexual characters, 7, 20, 32, 145, 241
somites and appendages, 143
systematic description, 230
use as food, 10, 289
varieties, 289
fontinalis, 290
japonicus, 304
klamathensis, 305
leniusculus, 305
leptodactylus, 299, 302, 303, 310, 320
nigrescens, 244
nobilis, 290, 295, 296, 299, 310
oreganus, 305
pachypus, 302, 310
pallipes, 290
politus, 344
saxitilis, 290
Schrenckii, 304, 310
torrentium, 290, 294, 298, 310, 311
tristis, 290
Trowbridgii, 305
Atya, Atyidæ, 331, 336
Auditory organ, 116
setæ 116
Australian Crayfishes, 306
province, 314
Austrocolumbian province, 314
Axius, 271


Ball, R., quotes, 36
Basipodite, 143
Bell, T., quoted, 37, 42
Bile-duct, 61, 66
Biological sciences, scope of, 4
Blastoderm, 207
Blastomere, 205
Blastopore, 209
Blood, 31, 68, 176
corpuscles, 69, 176
development of, 224
sinuses, 50, 69
Bobretsky, referred to, 356
Bolivar, Dr., 298
Astacoides, 266
Astacopsis, 264
Astacus, 25, 75, 265
development of, 224
Cancer, 276
Homarus, 257
Palæmon, 270
Palinurus, 264
Penaeus, 267
Branchial chamber, 25
Astacoides, 266
Astacopsis, 264
Cancer, 277
hypothetically complete, 268
Palæmon, 270
Palinurus, 265
Penæus, 267
Branchiobdella, 356
Branchiostegite, 25
development of, 217
Braun, quoted, 352
Brazilian Crayfishes, 306


Cæcum, 61
Calcification of exoskeleton, 197
Californian Crayfishes, 243
Cambarus, 44, 247, 310, 312
Cancer, 272, 283
Carapace, 19
development of, 214
Carbonnier, M., quoted, 297, 349, 350
Cardia, 52
Caridina, 330
Carpopodite, 165
Cell, 66, 199
Cell-aggregate, 190, 199
division, 200,
theory, 202, 204
appendages, 170
development of, 217
flexure, 163
somites, 154
Cephalon, 19, 141
Cephalothorax, 19
Cervical groove, 19
spines, 234
Chantran, M., quoted, 348, 350, 351
Chelæ, 22
Chilian Crayfishes, 308
Chitin, 50
composition of, 347
Chæraps, 250
Chorology, 46
Circulation, 73
organs of, 68
Common knowledge and science, 3
Connective tissue, 178
development of, 224
Cope, Prof., quoted, 316
Cornea, 118
Coxopodite, 143
Coxopoditic setæ, 78
Crab, see Cancer
Crab's-eye, see Gastrolith
Crangon, 272
Crayfish, origin of name, 12
common, see Astacus fluviatilis
Crayfishes, Amurland, 304
Asiatic, 304
Australian, 306
Brazilian, 306
Californian, 243
Chilian, 308
definition of, 254
Eastern North American, 247, 305
European, 288, 297
evolution of, 331
Figian, 306, 313
Japanese, 304, 313
Mascarene, 308, 313
northern and southern, compared, 252
Novozelanian, 306, 313
southern, 249
Tasmanian, 306
Western North American, 305, 313
Crusacea, 271, 278
Crystalline cones, 121
Cuticle, 33, 50, 175, 192
Cyclas, 356


Dactylopodite, 165
Daphnia, asexual reproduction of, 128
Darwin, C., referred to, 4
De Haan, quoted, 313
Development, 205
abdomen, 213
abdominal appendages, 217
alimentary canal, 213, 222
antennæ, 214, 218
antennules, 214, 218
blood and blood vessels, 224
branchiostegite, 217
carapace, 214
cephalic appendages, 217, 219
connective tissue, 224
ear, 225
eye, 225
eyestalk, 214, 218
gills, 224
heart, 224
kidney, 224
labrum, 218
mandibles, 214
muscles, 224
nervous system, 213, 224
reproductive organs, 225
rostrum, 217
thoracic appendages, 217, 219
Digestion, 63
Distribution, 46
chronological, of crayfishes, 44, 316, 339
table of, 345
geographical, of crayfishes, 44, 288
causes of, 335
results of study of, 308, 314
Dormer, quoted, 356
Dulk, quoted, 349


Ear, 116
development of, 225
Ecdysis, 32, 350
Écrevisse à pieds blancs, 289, 297
à pieds rouges, 289, 297
Ectoderm, 141
Ectostracum, 194
Edelkrebs, 290
Endoderm, 141
Endophragmal system, 157
Endopleurite, 158
Endopodite, 145
Endoskeleton, 17
Endosternite, 158
Endostracum, 194
Engæus, 250, 306
Enoplocytia, 342
Epiblast, 211
Epidermis, 140
Epimeron, 143
Epiostracum, 192
Epipodite, 167
Epistoma, 155
Epithelium, 140,177
Equus excelsus, occurring with fossil crayfishes, 316
Eryma, 341
Evolution of crayfishes, 331
Excretion, organs of, 82
Exopodite, 145
Exoskeleton, 17
chemical composition, 347
Eye, 118
compound, 122
development of, 225
Eye-stalk, 24, 173
development of, 214


Family, 252
Fat-cells, 180
fibre, muscular, 185
Fibril, muscular 185
Figian Crayfishes, 306
Filament, muscular, 185
Filter of stomach, 58
Flagellum, 167
Food-yelk, 206
Foot-jaws, see maxillipedes
Forceps, 22
Foregut, 61
development of, 213, 222
Fossil crayfishes, 316
Foster, Dr. M., referred to, 110
France, consumption of crayfish in, 10
Function, 22


Galaxidæ, 315
Gammarus, 323
Ganglion, 103, 105
Ganglionic corpuscle, 87, 103
Gastric mill, 53
Gastrolith, 29, 347
chemical composition, 349
Gastrula, 211
Gay, quoted, 356
Genus, 249
Geographical distribution, see Distribution
Gerbe, M., quoted, 350
Germinal disc, 209
layer, 206
spot, 133
vesicle, 133
Gerstfeldt, Dr., quoted, 290
Gills, see Branchiæ
Girard, quoted, 356
Gorup-Besanez, quoted, 353
Green-gland, 83, 353
development of, 224
Grobben, Dr., quoted, 354
Growth of crayfish, 31, 349
Guanin, 82, 353
Gullet, see OEsophagus
Günther, Dr., quoted, 315


Hage, Dr., quoted, 305, 312
Haplochitonidæ, 315
Harvey, quoted, 5
Head, see Cephalon
Hearing, organ of, 116
Heart, 27, 71
development of, 224
Heller, Dr., qutoed, 298, 330
Hepatic duct, see Bile duct
Hind gut, 61
development of, 214, 223
Histology, 175
Histriobdella, 356
Homaridæ, 263
Homarina, 261
Homarus, 13, 42, 257, 332
Homology, homologous, homologue, 148
Hoploparia, 342
Hypoblast, 211


Idothea, 323, 334
Impregnation, 135, 350
Integument, 50
Interseptal zone, 183
Intestine, 29, 61
Ischiopodite, 165


Japanese Crayfishes, 313, 314
Jaws, 23
Johnston, J., quoted, 42


Kessler, quoted, 298, 304 Kidney, see Green gland
Klunzinger, referred to, 330


Labrum, 51
development of, 218
Lamarck, referred to, 4
Lereboullet, quoted, 353
Legs, ambulatory, 168
Lemoine, referred to, 353
Leydig, referred to, 115, 353
Liver, 30, 64
development of, 223
nature of secretion, 352
Lobster, common, see Homarus
Norway, see Nephrops
Rock, see Palinurus
Loven, referred to, 327


Machine, living, 128
M'Intosh, Dr. W. C., quoted, 288
Mandible, 23, 51, 170
development of, 214
Martens, Von, 306
Mastodon mirificus, occurring with fossil crayfishes, 316
Maxillæ, 23, 170
Maxillipedes, 23, 164
Medullary groove, 213
Megalopa stage of development, 283
Meropodite, 165
Mesoblast, 212
Mesoderm, 141
Mesophragm, 158
Metamere, 143,
Metastoma, 51
Metope, 278
Midgut, 61
development of, 211, 214, 223
Milne-Edwards, quoted, 13,289
Mollusca, 284
Morphology, 46, 138
comparative, 230
Mortality of crayfishes, 128
Morula, 206
Mosaic vision, 122, 354
Motor plates, 189
Mouth, 51
Müller, Johannes, referred to, 122
Muscle, 57, 90, 175, 181
development of, 224
histology of, 90, 181
Muscles of abdomen, 99
of chela, 93
of stomach, 57
Myosin, 186
Myotome, 174
Mysis, 281, 323
relicta, origin of, from M. oculata, 327
Mysis stage of development


Natural History, 3
Philosophy, 3
Nauplius stage of development, 215, 280
Nearctic province, 314
Nephrops, 259, 332
Nerve 101
auditory, 117
optic, 118
Nerve-cells, 103, 187
fibres, 101, 188
Nervous system, 105
development of, 213, 224
functions of, 354
Noble crayfish, see Astacus nobilis
Nomenclature, binomial, 13, 15
Norway lobster, see Nephrops
Novozelanian province, 314
Nucleated cell, 199
Nucleolus, 187
Nucleus, 177, 200
changes of, in cell-division, 200


Olfactory organ, 114
Organ, 22
Origin of crayfish, evidence as to, 320, 331
Ovary, 31, 129
structure of, 131
Oviduct, 129
Oviposition, 351
Ovisac, 132
Ovum, 129
structure of, 133


Palæarctic province, 314
Palæmon, 268, 328
Palinuridæ, 263
Palinurus, 261, 264
Palp, 171
Paranephrops, 250, 306, 313
Paraphragm, 158
Parasites of crayfish, 356
Parastacidæ, 252, 256, 306, 313
Parastacus, 250, 306
Pemphix, 341
Penæus, 267, 280
Pericardium, 69
Perivisceral cavity, 50
Phyllobranchia, 271
Physiology, 46
Pleurobranchia, 79
Pleuron, 96, 143
Podobranchia, 75, 165
Podophthalmia, 279
Pore-canals, 195
Post-orbital ridge, 233
spine, 232
Potamobiidæ, 252, 256
Prawn, see Palæmon
Prehension of food, 49
Procephalic lobes, 160
development of, 213
Propodite, 165
Protopodite, 143
Prototroctes, 315



Race, 292
Rathke, quoted, 356
Réaumur, quoted, 33
Reflex action, 108
Reichenbach, quoted, 356
Renal organ, see Green-gland
Reproduction of lost limbs, 38
sexual, 39, 128, 135, 350
Reproductive organs, 128
development of, 225
Respiration, anal, 353
Respiratory organs, see Branchiæ
Retropinna, 315
Robin, qutoed, 352
Rock lobster, see Palinurus
Rosel von Rosenhof, quoted, 41, 43
Rondoletius, referred to, 4
Rostrum, 157
development of, 217


Salivary glands, 352
Salmonidæ, parallel between their distribution, and that of Astacidæ, 315
Sarcolemma, 90, 182
Sars, G. O., referred to, 327
Sartorius von Walterhausen, quoted, 322
Scaphognathite, 80,170
Schizopod stage of development, 280
Schlüter, 317
Schmidt, O., quoted, 354
Schrank, 290
Science, physical, 3
Science and common sense, 1
Segmentation, 174
Self-causation, 112
Sensory organs, 113
Septal line, 183
zone, 183
Setæ, 197
Shrimp, see Crangon
Siebold, von, referred to, 331
Sight, organ of, 118
Sinus, sternal, 69
Smell, organ of, 114
Somite, 143, 161, 355
abdominal, 142
cephalic, 154
thoracic, 150
Soubeiran, M., quoted, 349
Southern Crayfishes, 249
Species, 243, 290
morphological, 291
physiological, 296
Spermatozoa, 129, 135, 354
Spontaneous action, 112
Squame of antenna, 172
Steinkrebs, see Astacus torrentium
Sternum, 96, 143,
Stomach, 29, 51
Stone-crayfish, see Astacus torrentium
Stirated spindle, 121
Swimmeret, 20


Taste, organ of, 115
Teleology, 47, 137
Tendon, 92, 175
Tergum, 96, 143
Terminal plates, 189
Tergum, 96, 143
Terminal plates, 189
Terminology, scientific, 14
Testis, 129
structure of, 133
Thoracic appendages, 164
development of, 217
somites, 150
Thorax, 19, 141
Tissue, 175
Touch, organ of, 113
Tranformism, 318
Treviranus, referred to, 4
Tribe, 252
Trichbranchiæ, 263
Troglocaris, 337



Valves of heart, 73
of stomach, 59
Van Helmont, quoted, 45
Variety, 290, 292
Vas deferens, 130
Vent, see Anus
Vertebrata, 284
eye of, 122, 125
Visual pyramid, 121
rod, 121
Vitelline membrane, 133
Vitellus, 133
Voluntary action, 112
Von der Marck, 317


Ward, J., referred to, 354
Wassiliew, quoted, 353
Whirlpool of life, 84
Will, quoted, 353
Wood-Mason, quoted, 44



Yelk, 133
Yelk-division, 205
Young of Astacus, newly hatched, characters of, 219


Zoæa stage of development, 280

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