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Brad Magor
Department of Biological Sciences
CW-323 (as of Sept. 2000), Bio Sci Bldg
Office 780 492-5956
Fax 780 492-9234
B.Sc. | Marine Biology, University of Victoria, Canada |
M.Sc. | Immunology, Dalhousie University, Canada |
Ph.D. | Immunology, Medical Univ. S. Carolina, USA |
Immuno-genetics, Stanford University, USA |
Biol 107: | Introduction to Cell Biology |
Biol 401: | Comparative Immunology |
IntD 371: | Introduction to Immunology |
IntD 372: | Research Techniques in Immunology |
Graduate admissions information for the Dept. of Biological Sciences can be found at: http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/gradprog.hp/gradprog.html
The department offers teaching assistantships/fellowships
I have research interests in three broad areas of immunology: 1) understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that allow higher vertebrates, but not fishes, to develop a heightened immune response to disease upon subsequent exposures to the disease organisms, i.e. the mechanism behind "vaccination" and affinity maturation. 2) the processes and pressures for the evolution of immunologically relevant genes and immune systems. 3) understanding the means by which fish fail or succeed in preventing disease organisms from invading their mucosa (skin, gills, gut).
Our lab works closely with the labs of two other immunologists within the department: Kathy Magor, who studies the duck immune system and it’s implications for influenza epidemics in humans; Mike Belosevic, who studies parasitological diseases of humans and fishes, and the cellular responses of fish macrophages. There are several immunologists within the department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology as well.
Bengten E., A. Daggfeldt, B. G. Magor, and L. Pilstrom Organization of transcriptional enhancers from immunoglobulin light chain genes of atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Immunogenetics (In Press)
Ross DA, Lyles M, Ledford BE, Magor BG, Wilson MR, Miller NW, Clem LW, Middleton DA, Warr GW. 1999. Catfish Oct2 binding affinity and functional preference for octamer motifs, and interaction with OBF-1. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 23(3):199-211.
Magor B.G., D.A. Ross, L. Pilstrom, and G.W. Warr. 1999. Transcriptional enhancers and the evolution of the IgH locus. Immunology Today 20: 13-17.
Ross D.A., B.G. Magor, D.L. Middleton, M.R. Wilson, N. W. Miller, L.W. Clem, and G.W. Warr. 1998. Characterization of Oct2 from the channel catfish: functional preference for a variant octamer motif. Journal of Immunology 160:3874-3882
Magor B.G., D.A. Ross, D.L. Middleton, and G.W. Warr.1997. Functional motifs in the IgH enhancer of the channel catfish. Immunogenetics 46:192-198
Magor, B.G., M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, D.L. Middleton, and G.W. Warr. 1994. An Ig heavy chain enhancer of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus: evolutionary conservation of function but not structure. Journal of Immunology 153: 5556-5563.
Ledford, B.E., B.G. Magor, D.L. Middleton, R.L. Miller, M.R. Wilson, N.W. Miller, L.W. Clem, and G.W. Warr. 1993. Expression of a mouse-channel catfish chimeric IgM molecule in a mouse myeloma cell. Molecular Immunology 30: 1405-1417.
Cole D.E., M. Oulton, L.J. Stirk, and B.G. Magor. 1992. Increased inorganic sulfate concentrations in amniotic fluid. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 20: 443-447
Cooper, E.L., I.S. Grewal, and B.G. Magor. 1989. Comparative immunology of the integument. In: The Skin Immune System. J.D. Bos editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 9 - 24.
Magor, B.G. 1988. Histopathologic changes in the gills of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Walbaum) exposed to suspended wood debris from under a log-sorting site. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 2164-2169.
Magor, B.G. 1988. First report of Loma sp.(Microsporida) in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65: 751-752.