Batch Assignment Calculator

Unfortunately, this applet currently only works on Netscape Windows and Linux platforms.

New: note on DOH data format. which BOH can now read in addition to POPGENE files

This applet lets you run the assignment test on a batch of POPGENE format files in a directory on your computer.

To run this applet across the network, please revisit this page at our secure server location: https://www2.biology.ualberta.ca/jbrzusto/Boh.html

This applet can also be run from your machine. To do so, save this .html file and the file Boh.zip in a directory on your local machine. Don't unzip Boh.zip: your browser can read it directly. Then, to use this applet, quit your browser and then browse your local copy of Boh.html.

To learn about the assignment test, visit Doh.html. (The network version is at http://www2.biology.ualberta.ca/jbrzusto/Doh.php)

You can select which assignment test outputs are printed. You can also direct all output to a single file. If you don't specify such a file, then output for assignment on file X is written to the file X.out in the same directory. The assignment test is run on each file specified in the window below. You can either enter names into it directly, or use the Browse button to select a directory and automatically add all names matching the Prefix you enter into the file window.

Note: you can turn off the histogram display from the "Assignment Test Options" panel.

This program requires a Java-enabled browser. Perhaps your browser has Java disabled?

The Doh data format is as follows.
  1. dataset name (if more than a single word, enclose it in double quotation marks)
  2. number of populations
  3. number of individuals (total for all populations plus unknown)
  4. number of loci
  5. ploidy
  6. size of repeated microsatellite unit in bp (not actually used)
  7. Then, for each individual:
    1. population id (or "?" for unknown)
    2. individual id
    3. list of ploidy * loci alleles ("-" for each missing allele)