Lamproptera meges (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae)

Locality: China, Yangzi w. of Tali, Yunnan, 3.VI.2007.

DNA number: FS-b-3714, AMC sp805.

Specimen used in study by:

Simonsen TJ, Zakharov EV, Djernæs M, Cotton AM, Vane-Wright RI, Sperling FAH [2010]. Phylogenetics and divergence times of Papilioninae (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the enigmatic genera Teinopalpus and Meandrusa. Cladistics (pre publication).

Genbank Accession Numbers: 16S GQ268337, COI GQ268354, COII GQ268361, ND1 GQ268367, EF1-alpha GQ268396, Wingless GQ268402.