Dioryctria pseudotsugella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae: Phycitinae)

Specimen unavailable to image.

Locality: USA: Oregon: Corvallis
Latitude, Longitude (decimal): 44.335, -123.154
Collection Date: 25-Jul-01
Collector: J. Adams.
Collection Method: UV Light
DNA number (when applicable): AR105
Specimen number: UASM 93105

Specimen used in study by:

Roe, A. D., and F. A. H. Sperling. Delimitation of cryptic species boundaries in Dioryctria moths using and integrative approach. Molecular Ecology in review.

GenBank Accession Numbers for ITS2 DQ792572.
GenBank Accession Numbers for EF1a DQ792594.