Zoology 250 (2004) Phylogenetic Trees




(modified from Tree of Life;
traits & tree after
Ruppert & Barnes 1994 p. 1050-3
and Brusca & Brusca 2003 p. 875)

(asteroid echinoderm)

(enteropneust hemichordate)

     ============================ Protostomia
<<===|    ====1================== Chaetognatha (arrow worms)
     |    |
     |    |===2================== lophophorates (Ph. BRYOZOA, BRACHIOPODA, etc.)
          |           =========== ECHINODERMATA (starfish, urchins, sea cucumbers,etc.)
          |      ==4==|
          ===3===|    ===5======= HEMICHORDATA (acorn worms, pterobranchs)
                 ================ CHORDATA

Back to Zool 250 version of tree for animal phyla.

TRAITS SUPPORTING EACH CLADE (** plesiomorphic- a primitive state, not unique to clade):
D (Deuterostomia):
a) radial, indeterminate cleavage**
b) coelom via enterocoely
c) blastopore yields anus
d) tripartite coelom   ----> tripartite body plan
   protocoel=axocoel   ---->     protosome
   mesocoel=hydrocoel  ---->     mesosome
   metacoel=somatocoel ---->     metasome

e) monociliated cells**
1 (Chaetognatha):
a) paired, lateral fins
b) grasping spines around mouth
c) ventral ganglion
2 (Lophophorates):
a) mesocoelic tentacles form a lophophore
b) reduction in prosome
c) U-shaped gut
a) protocoelic nephridium (=axial complex)
b) protocoel has external coelomopore
c) tri-coelomate organization of larval stage**
d) ciliated pharyngeal pores/gill slits
e) post-anal tail
f) stiffened, notochord-like structure
g) gonads with separate gonoducts
4 (Ambulacraria):
a) protocoelic nephridium/axial complex
b) protocoel has external coelomopore
c) larval similarities (echinoderm auricularia & bipinnaria resemble enteropneust tornaria larvae)
5 (Hemichordata):
a) stomochord (homologous with notochord?)
b) muco-ciliary pre-oral locomotory organ
c) paired valved collar ducts
d) ventral post-anal tail

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Copyright © 2004 by A. Richard Palmer. All rights reserved.
(revised Dec. 23, 2003)