FAQ and Insteresting facts and figures

  1. The Biotron averages 1.2 emergency calls per month.
  2. Power surges as a result of thunderstorms produce an average of 0.4 emergency calls per year.
  3. Power outages occur most frequently in the month of July.
  4. Number of research freezers and cold rooms? 21
  5. Total freezer and cold room space? 151.55 sq.m
  6. Number of growth chambers 56
  7. Total growth chamber space? 317.12 sq.m
  8. Number of research greenhouses? 5
  9. Total greenhouse space? 62.16 sq.m
  10. Number of growth rooms? 23
  11. Total growth room space? 185.38 sq.m
  12. 21 units have been phased out over the last 3 years with 70.07 sq.m of usable space.
  13. Biotron Space Usage

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