Asad Ahmed
Professor Emeritus
Mailing Address

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E9
Email address:
Fax address: (780) 492-9234

Academic Degrees
  BSc: Aligarh University
MSc: Aligarh University
PhD: Aligarh University
PhD: Yale University
Current Research Interests

We are interested in the mechanism of transposition of genetic elements. We are also engaged in the development of new strategies for genomic sequencing using transposable elements.

Selected Publications

A Ahmed and L Podemski. The revised nucleotide sequence of Tn5. Gene 154 (1995): 129-130.

A Ahmed. Isolation of nested, bidirectional deletions by the use of exonuclease III on double-origin vectors. Gene 151 (1994): 97-101.

A Ahmed. Double-origin vectors for isolating bidirectional deletions useful in DNA sequence analysis. Gene 141 (1994): 71-73.

A Ahmed. A comparison of intramolecular rearrangements promoted by transposons Tn5 and Tn10. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 244 (1991): 1-9.

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